The arrow that looks like a fast-forward arrow is symbolic about how Vladek went around and around on the train of torture. This is the only piece where I tried to include symbolism even if it is somewhat insignificant. It is also a modified version of a mind map where I tried to summarize a chapter.
Before I read the book I didn’t necessarily “feel” that the Holocaust was really significant considering the similar massacre in my own culture is underrated - Nanjing Massacre. I do not know much about it until my social studies teacher talked about it in class (The CCP really wanted to create a really peaceful world to its citizens so they sensor anything related to killing). Even the Japanese government is denying it so the massacre really became nonexistence to me. Using that same logic why would I believe Holocaust was real? Yeah, that argument formed in my head become non existence after reading this book. Somehow this book and this series overwhelmed my stubbornness.
The torture that the Jewish people had suffered through in my mind looks like this. I was searching through WWII war movie clips on YouTube and that video is linked to Maus II for me: The French soldier that Vladek met, the train that he was on with bodies piled in it and where the prisoners sleep paints a vivid image that, to me, is what Art trying to let the readers conceive here. After watching this clip and having the link between this and the book, I looked through the comments and see what other people feel about this and the atrocities the Nazi had put on the minorities and found this:

This comment just stroke my heart and blew a breeze onto my face. Yeah, it was that mind opening. Now I simply cannot forget the book and the scene from the video.