The pieces I did for Doubt a Parable was about the Father Flynn on the bottom left and Sister Aloysius on the top right while the altar wine bottle in the middle, divides the whole piece in half, the title is on the top left because I want it to be obvious, and this is the first thing that people see when they read. I put the quotes on the bottom right so that people sees the drawing of the father and the sister first then read the quotes. Overall it is a very carefully prepared piece. Although the content may not be enough, the real content is in the drawing, the father and the sister look at each other, ready to debate another round, shows the conflict between them, the unsure look on the sister’s face points out that she is only doubting and has no proof of what father did, I learned a lot from this play. One, never accuse anyone without proof. Two, if you have no proof but you still feel like something is true, then you should try your best to find proof. This is the piece shows my introspection.